CIS Data Merge Requests
CIS Data comes from a variety of sources. A member of DUK may be a volunteer or a person that makes contributions to the
work of DUK ( or both ).
A member will have contact details listed in the CIS.
A member may receive communiations from DUK and take actions as a consequence.
For example a member may go onto a DUK website as a result of a communication from DUK,say a fundraising campaign.
Because we do not (and do not want to) enforce a login for the member to take actions (such as make a donation) the login
may be anonymous, or the member may again type in again their ,not realising their details are already held.
In circumstances when it is identified that this happens, it is required to merge the records in CIS, to make one valid record for
processing data related to the member. This is why merge requests exist.
- A merge request has to be for one member only.
- Raise a CIS Data Merge Request.
- The Service Team processes the merge request.
- A bulk overnight process merges the two records leaving one record.
CIS Data Merge Requests are
Open a Contact Merge request here ( > Contact Merge Request)
A merge request should be for one customer only, it is fine if the merge request has more than two contact numbers ie
‘Can you please merge contact numbers 12345,678990 into 01234’
But we are not able to accept merges for multiple customers on one ticket.
Its worth bearing in mind the database has a bulk merge process which runs overnight and if details are the same on both records the system should pick these up and merge them.
Points we require for a Merge Request
- A note of both contact numbers
- The contact number they wish to retain
- Contacts to merge Name
- Contacts to merge Postcode
Points to check
Do both titles match
Do both Sexes match
Not every point of data entry we have is standardized so it is possible one record may have title and one may not.
Reasons we cannot merge
- Two contacts not the same person (Double Check Contact Numbers)
- Both contacts have active Memberships (reach out to Membership Team to check and cancel the Memberships so there is only one unique Membership Active before logging a ticket)
- Both contacts have active Gift Aid Declarations (Reach out to Gift Aid Manager to check and cancel so there is only one unique Gift Aid Declaration active before logging a ticket)
If unsure ask Customer Care Centre to reach out to the contact to confirm details prior to logging a ticket
Actioning a Merge Request
Log on to CIS
Click ‘System’
Then ‘Deduplication’
Then “Contact Merge’ or ‘Organistation Merge’
These are the only two merge types we use.
You will see the following screen
The name will be different if you are actioning a ‘Organisation Merge’
Enter the record number you wish to retain against ‘Contact’ and the record number you wish to merge against ‘Duplicate’
Put a reference to the ticket number in the notes field
Once information is entered and correct click ‘OK’
You will see
Click ‘No’ and keep the 2nd address so we can potentiall see where the source of the duplicate has come from
You will see
Click ‘Yes’ to merge the contacts or ‘No’ to exit from the merge.
The system will take up to a few minutes and you should then see
The merge is complete
- Once merged the records cannot be unmerged at present
- If a request has multiple Contact Numbers into one you will need to first merge records into each other ie. If the request is to merge 12345,67890 into 4567 you will need to merge 12345,67890 into 67890 and then merge 67890 into 12345
- We have asked on the business facing documents to keep at ticket to one customer merge request but you should use your judgement what is acceptable if there are multiple merge requests on one ticket and if you decide to reject the ticket or if you say do two in one.
- The business facing document advise people to check with GA Manager or Membership if there are active GADS or Memberships on each record. If the user has not checked I would use your own judgement if you check or reject the ticket
- The business facing advises user to get CCC to check if they do not appear to be the same person or check the contact numbers appear wrong, I would reject and advise the user why you are rejecting
If the supplied information is wrong I would suggest not processing the request
The business facing document advises users about the overnight merge process, it is possible that the process may have already picked up the records and merged.
If any points are unclear from the request do not merge and seek more information prior to actioning the request.
(Time to provide guidance on updating the ticket)