Adding an Address to Contact Record
This guide is designed to outline the steps required to add an address to a contact record in CIS.
The contact record looks like this:

To add an address to the record, click on ‘Addresses’ tab and click ‘New Address’
The following window will pop up:

- Fill out as much information as possible
- If you fill in a postcode that is already on the system, a box will pop up to alert you that there may be a duplication:

- If there is a duplicate contact, then double click on the contact name, do not add a duplicate
- If adding a different person at the same address (such as a family member) then click ‘Use Address’
- If you wish to add someone with the same postcode but at a new address then click cancel on the pop up box
- Check ‘Valid from’ date is correct, leave ‘Valid To’ unticked
- Click ‘Save’
Next, select address usages from the drop down menu and click ‘Save’ and then ‘Close’:

The new address has been added on the record